Town of Smelser
Regular Monthly Meeting Agenda
February 13th at 6:00 PM 2025
Georgetown Hall
1.Call meeting to order
2.Pledge of Allegiance
3.Roll call
4.Proof of posting
5.Reading of last month’s minutes
6.Patrolman’s report
7.Communications from Clerk
8.Vistor Sheriff Todd Miller to educate on Open Meeting law
9.Road policy from boardman’s meeting
1.Approval of driveway on Prairie Road
2.Talk about the transmission line from Cuba City to Kieler
3.Placement of well on the townships right away
10.Public Comments: 2 mins. per person
11.Treasurer’s report
12. Set date for next meeting: March 13th 6:00pm
13. Adjournment
Terry Slater, Chairman
Darcy Jenamann, Clerk