All township meetings are held on the 2nd Thursday of the month at 6:00 pm, unless otherwise published.

Town of Smelser

Special Meeting  To Follow

Regular Monthly Meeting Agenda

September 12th at 6:00 PM

Georgetown Hall 



1. Call meeting to order

2. Pledge of Allegiance

3. Roll call

4. Proof of posting

5. Reading of last month’s minutes 

A. Board Members will appoint a new Treasurer

6. Patrolman’s report

7. Communications from Clerk

8. New and old discussion

9.Fire Station Clarification on question  #3 in the hand out from previous meeting

   A. Discussion with possible action for an audit

10. Review and pay bills

11. Treasurer’s report

12. Public Comment: limited to 2 minutes per person

13. Set date for next meeting: October 10th 2024

14. Adjournment

Terry Slater,  Chairman

Darcy Jenamann, Clerk